Friday, May 15, 2009

all my bags are packed, i'm ready to go...

I don't think I've ever flown without singing "Leaving on a Jetplane." I do understand how cliche that is, but I'm ok with that today. It's not the only thing stuck in my head.. I have also found myself reciting Dr. Seuss' "Oh, the Places You Will Go" as I've been packing. I'm a teacher. It happens...

I am off to the aeropuerto on the way to Quito, Ecuador. Exciting times are ahead in the next 6 weeks. I will update here and through email as frequently as I have the opportunity. My email address is if you would like to send me an email (and I would really love for you to).

I am going to re-post my current prayer requests for the trip so that scrolling down and searching through other posts won't be necessary. Again, thank you again (so much) for your prayers and support.
  • That I will adjust to life in Ecuador. That I will remember and pick up on the language quickly.
  • Relationships among team members as we come together as strangers and spend these weeks together. There are 6 girls on this team: Brittany, Katie, Yvonne, Elizabeth, Joy, and myself. Also, for the missionaries we will work with who are currently there: Fletcher, Ruby, Rick, Kelly, Jessica F., and Jessica B.
  • Our communication with the people we encounter, that we will be able to communicate the Gospel in a clear way through both actions and words, and that God will be glorified through these encounters.
  • That the people will have open hearts and be receptive to the truth of the Gospel. That new believers will find boldness in sharing with others.
  • Our health as we will be active in high altitude areas and spend time in the jungle.
  • That we will be constantly filled with the Spirit and actively seeking opportunities wherever we go.
  • No matter how tired we may get, that we will continue to grow in our faith through consistent reading of God's Word and spending time in prayer.

"But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24

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