Things have been pretty dreary around here for the past few days. When the sun is out, it is beautiful and people are plentiful. When it is rainy, and a lot of the time it is, the people retreat into their houses and there is less work that we can do. We are relying on the opportunities that the Lord has provided for us to work in the schools and medical clinic to reach people around the area. The language barrier has continued to be a challenge, but Spanish comes more naturally to us every day that we are here. We have learned that we can rely only on the power of the Holy Spirit to break down some of these barriers. In the times where I have been discouraged about not being understood or not understanding completely, the Lord has brought this scripture to mind from 1 Corinthians 2:1-5... "And I, when I came to you, brothers, did nt come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech and wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and in much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God." How true it is that the Lord is going to accomplish his work here despite our abilities. He receives even more glory because of our weaknesses!
I am excited to tell you that we had our first Bible study here in El Chaupi last night. We had 3 people there, all of whom are members of the family that owns the hostal where we are staying. However, this is not at all discouraging because we can tell that these 3 really are seeking and searching for the truth of the Lord! Please be in prayer as we continue Bible studies in their hostal every Tuesday and Thursday nights and also that we may have opportunities to present the Gospel to people during the English classes that we will have in the hostal on Monday and Wednesday nights. We also had the great opportunity this morning to go into a girls school to meet the girls, make salvation bracelets with them, and dance the Electric Slide. We loved the hour that we got to spend with them, and we are looking forward to going back on Monday to teach them some English, so please be in prayer for that. We also have a meeting at a local school at 9am on Monday, where we will discuss with the principal and teachers what we will be allowd to teach in their school two or three times a week. They seem quite concerned that we will be teaching against their strong Catholic background. Pray that the Lord will soften their hearts and allow the message of the Gospel to be brought into their school.
Now on to the funny and yet frustrating things that go right along with being in another country... :)
First, I must say that I have had some of the most entertaining bus rides to and from Machachi (where I currently am on the computer and where we come to get groceries). On the way back the other day, the bus had at least 60 people crammed on it. Not exactly a comfortable bus ride when you are one of the people standing up in the aisle. And let us not forget how bumpy the roads are here. Haha Today on the way into town, we had the techno bus complete with flashing lights around a picture of the virgin mary and tassles hanging from the windows. All the while, loud techno music is playing. I wish that there was a way that I could share this experience with you. The pictures and videos we took just don´t do it justice.
As I have mentioned, it rains a lot here. Well, it REALLY rained a lot yesterday. So much, in fact, that the electricity went out,. the roof started leaking, and so did my window. We decided that it was a good time for a photo shoot as we scrambled to hang plastic bags from our ceilings with duct tape and shoved paper towels into the cracks of the windows. It was a much-needed laugh and thankfully the electricity came back on before Bible study... otherwise we would have been teaching about creation with reading lights and flashlights.
The shower... aka the widow maker. It is heated electrically and has wires hanging above it. One must be quite careful not to extend arms while showering. We do not enjoy the widow maker.. Especially since the water pressure is lacking and the cold outside air flows continuously through the bathroom. I suppose we should be thankful to have a shower at all. :)
We have offically named the rooster Dodo due to his confused status. 12:45, 1:30, 4:20.. all of these times seem to be sunrise to him. He cock-a-doodle-doos all the time... mainly while we´re sleeping. Someone needs to call Disney or somebody and tell them that their portayal of roosters who only crow at sunrise is false... and we have the proof here in El Chaupi.
Hopefully I will have a chance to send you all an update again soon. Our days are getting fuller with ministry opportunities, so it will be less often that we will be able to travel to Machachi to use the computers... although it is rumored that the Library in town has turtle-sped internet that we may be able to use sometime. Regardless of how frequent these updates come, please remember to keep praying for us here in Ecuador... as well as for missionaries who are serving all over the world. The Lord is doing great things to further his Kingdom. Let us rejoice in knowing that!
Thank you for all of the encouragement and prayers!
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